Start The Home Selling Process This Month

Start The Home Selling Process This Month

If you’re thinking about selling in the spring, don’t wait until the new year to start planning. In fact, you’ll save yourself a lot of work and get ahead of the game if you start planning now. What’s that old saying? The early bird gets the worm! In this case, by...

Paperwork to Get Together in Preparation for Selling your Home

Paperwork to Get Together in Preparation for Selling your Home

When preparing your home for sale, you need to fix things up, declutter, perhaps slap a fresh coat of paint on a few walls. That’s all part of getting your property ready for buyers. But there’s another type of preparation that you also need to do. And, the sooner you...

Is Home Staging Worth the Effort?

Is Home Staging Worth the Effort?

Staging is all about dressing up your home so that it looks its best to buyers. This can involve anything from rearranging furniture and doing some home improvements, to painting and redecorating, to even replacing existing furnishings and other items. The goal is to...

Buying the Home Everybody Wants

Buying the Home Everybody Wants

When you’re shopping for a home, you may become interested in a property for sale that someone else is also considering. In fact, there may be several other buyers entertaining the idea of making an offer. In such a competitive situation, what should you do if you...

Getting Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

Getting Pre-Approved for a Mortgage

Getting Pre-Approved For A Mortgage Saves You Time Most mortgage lenders take the guess work out of applying for a loan by figuring out for you the amount you can afford to borrow. Then, they give you a printed document stating the maximum mortgage amount you qualify...

Drive for the Cure Foundation

Drive for the Cure Foundation

Drive for the Cure Foundation is participating in the 2016 Fund Run for Maple Ridge Hospital - See how you can help! PLEDGE - YES PARTICIPATE - YES ... See More here: Click here to register

Should You Accept the Highest Offer for your Home?

Should You Accept the Highest Offer for your Home?

Imagine a kid running a lemonade stand. He’s selling his product for 25 cents a cup. He’s doing okay. Sales are good. Then someone comes up to his stand and says, “I’ll give you 50 cents for a cup. But, I don’t have the money right now. Give me the lemonade and I’ll...