Know the Local Market when You Sell

Know the Local Market when You Sell

Are you thinking of selling your home this year? If so, you might be paying extra attention to housing market news covered by the regional and national media. While that news can be helpful information, it can sometimes say little about what’s happening in your...

4 Ways to Find the Time to Sell Your Home

4 Ways to Find the Time to Sell Your Home

Are you thinking about selling your home this spring? If so, one factor that may be holding you back is time. You might be worried that you won’t find the time in your busy schedule to sell your property successfully. If so, here are four strategies that will help: 1....

How Buyers Often Find Out About Your Listing

How Buyers Often Find Out About Your Listing

There are many ways buyers can find out about your home for sale. Some will see the lawn sign. Others will notice the listing on MLS. Still others might find out via an advertisement or social media post. But, there is one other way buyers will discover your listing —...

Viewing Homes When You Have Little Time To View Homes

Viewing Homes When You Have Little Time To View Homes

Have you ever had to go last-minute gift shopping? If so, you know what that can be like. You don’t have time to amble casually through numerous stores in hopes of coming across something suitable. The clock is ticking. You need to find the right gift, now! A similar...

6 Tasks That Every Smart Homeowner Does in October

6 Tasks That Every Smart Homeowner Does in October

The temps are starting to drop, and the smell of wood smoke is in the air. That's when veteran homeowners know it's time to do these six things if they want to avoid trouble or overspending. #1 Buy Appliances   Image: Pierre Desrosiers/Getty Whisper to them. Do a...

What’s the “Lifestyle” Score for your Home?

What’s the “Lifestyle” Score for your Home?

In the business world, a phrase that’s often used is ROI or Return On Investment. It refers to the regular gain (or loss) you’re getting from a particular asset relative to its cost. When it comes to your home, the gain may be more than financial. It may include the...

Small Upgrades that Make Your Home Sell Faster

Small Upgrades that Make Your Home Sell Faster

If you’re thinking of selling, you’re probably planning to do a few minor improvements to make your property more appealing to buyers. That’s a smart idea. So, what are the best small improvements to make? Here are a few ideas: • Cabinet hardware. Upgrading the...

Will You Need to Lower your Price to Sell your Home Quickly?

Will You Need to Lower your Price to Sell your Home Quickly?

If you want to sell an item quickly—say, a couch—you can post it online, stick a super-low price tag on it and, chances are, it will be gone by the end of the day. So it’s understandable that some people think the same thing applies when selling a home. Indeed, if you...