“I’m very involved in the renovation of houses for my clients, if they wish. I have great contracts with suppliers and trades and can help with all aspects of a renovation.I look at myself as a partner in the purchase or sale and I feel the pressure and stress just as my client does. I believe you need to be 100% committed to your client during their purchase or sale and with follow up. We keep in touch 5-6 times a year with information flyers, calendars, year planners, note pads, etc. I don’t like to be a pest so I keep my phone calls to a minimum.”

“I’m married to a local professional woman who works in our community and helps me raise our 3 girls. We have a very busy household: dance, soccer, gymnastics, the occasional round of golf for Dad, but we make the time to travel with our kids and extended family as much as possible.”

“I believe strongly in being involved in our community, whether with the Drive for the Cure or the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation. In my younger years here in Maple Ridge, I was involved with the Haney Neptune’s as a swimmer and later as a coach and also enjoyed my hockey career with Ridge Meadows Minor hockey and later at the College level. I have great memories of youth sports in Maple Ridge. I can see myself involved in local or regional politics later in life- after my kids have moved onto university, so there is still a few years until you see my name on a ballot during election time. ”


“I started the Drive for the Cure in 1999 with a good friend Kirk Fisher, it has since grown  beyond our dreams. Kirk’s mom passed away from cancer at a time when too many of our friends were effected by cancer and the two of us were getting to the age where we  felt it was time to give back to our community in a meaningful way, so the Drive for the Cure was born.  Since the inaugural event, The Drive for the Cure has grown to two events and over $170,000.00 per year in net profit.  We donate 50% to local hospitals and save the other  50% in our endowment fund  to allow the Drive for the Cure to support our communities well after Kirk and I are gone.
The basis behind our donations is simple, the Hospital must purchase equipment for the direct treatment or detection of Cancer. We will not allow any administrative costs, all work by professional’s is done in trade of services, so no donated funds are used to run our foundation.”

22308 Dewdney Trunk Rd, Maple Ridge V2X 3J2

