Moving Yourself vs Hiring Professionals

Moving Yourself vs Hiring Professionals

When you buy a new home and moving day is looming, it can be tempting to consider doing the move yourself. After all, by not hiring a moving company, you’re saving money. It is true, the DIY approach can lower your moving costs, which is money you can put towards...

How to Make Your Home Sale “Smooth Sailing”

How to Make Your Home Sale “Smooth Sailing”

When you plan to take a journey somewhere, you hope it will be smooth sailing all the way. That simply means the trip will be relatively trouble-free, and without stress or hassles. Well, selling your property is like a journey. So, how do you ensure that adventure...

Is Getting into your “Dream” Neighbourhood Doable?

Is Getting into your “Dream” Neighbourhood Doable?

Is there a neighbourhood you drive through occasionally and think, “Wow. I’d love to live here. What a fantastic area”? Why don’t you take that thought any further? Maybe you think getting into that neighbourhood just isn’t doable – at least, not right now. Perhaps...

Get your Spring Cleaning Done in Half the Time

Get your Spring Cleaning Done in Half the Time

Spring cleaning can seem like a great idea until you actually get started. Then it often turns out to be more work than expected! The good news is, there are proven techniques to make the job easier so you can get it done faster. • Before you begin the project, make...

When to Increase your Budget when Shopping for a Home

When to Increase your Budget when Shopping for a Home

When you set a budget for a new home, you’re obviously hoping — maybe even expecting — to find the ideal property within that price range. But, it doesn’t always work out that way. In fact, there are many circumstances in which you might have to rethink your budget...

Where Have All the Sellers Gone?

Where Have All the Sellers Gone?

If you had to define today’s housing market in one fundamental metric, it would be, undoubtedly, lack of supply. Despite unyielding buyer demand that’s persisted throughout the pandemic, the number of new listings brought to market has remained stubbornly low,...

The Role of Carrying Costs when Buying a New Home

The Role of Carrying Costs when Buying a New Home

When searching for a new home, many buyers will focus only on the list price and what they may need to offer to get the property. For example, a buyer might think, “We can get this house for $XX. That’s within our price range!” Of course, the selling price plays the...

How to Light your Home for an Evening Viewing

How to Light your Home for an Evening Viewing

When you’re selling your home, you may find buyers who want to see it later in the evening, when it’s dark outside. In that circumstance, effective home lighting becomes more important. The best place to start is with exterior lighting. If you have soft ground lamps...